Operational training & non-technical
skill training
Enhancing safety in flight operations and medical care.
Human factors have a tremendous impact on safety and quality in HEMS – and most likely to a similar extent in all complex operations and for all High Reliability Organizations (HROs).
Developing non-technical skills by courses for Crew Resource Management is required in the aviation industry.
There are the same training needs in EMS, hospitals or other public services – but adaption to various systems, professions and cultures is essential.
The ADAC HEMS Academy offers Crew Resource Management courses especially conducted for HEMS (“ACRM”) and has the experience to adapt their human factor course formats to almost any target group.
Aeronautical Crew Resource Management (ACRM®) – Initial Course
Aeronautical Crew Resource Management (ACRM®) – Refresher Course
Customized Human Factor Courses
VR fire fight training
DE: Immersive Simulation
Simulations-basiertes Feuerlösch-Training in sicherer und kontrollierter virtueller High-Fidelity-Umgebung.
DE: Multisensorisch
Die Integration von realistischen Feuerlöschern bringt eine reale haptische Komponente in die virtuelle Umgebung und erschafft dadurch ein sehr immersives Trainingserlebnis.
DE: Virtuelle Umgebungen
Virtuelle High-Fidelity-Erlebnisse mit einem großen Portfolio an Szenarien – speziell für die Luftfahrt können Turbinen-Brände der Airbus H135 und H145, sowie unterschiedliche Brände in der Hubschrauberkabine (inflight) simuliert werden.
DE: Reales Brandverhalten
Eine proprietäre algorithmische Modellierung liefert reales Brandverhalten in einer sicheren virtuellen Umgebung. Die Auswahl des Löschmittels und die korrekte Anwendung des Löschgerätes beeinflussen dynamisch den Löscherfolg.
DE: Live-Feedback
Datenerfassung, Analyse und Feedback zu Trainingsergebnissen in Echtzeit ermöglichen einen hohen Lernerfolg.
EN: Immersive simulation
Simulation-based firefighting training in a safe and controlled virtual high-fidelity environment.
EN: Multisensory
The integration of realistic fire extinguishers brings a real haptic component to the virtual environment, creating a highly immersive training experience.
EN: Virtual environments
High-fidelity virtual experiences with a large portfolio of scenarios – specifically for aviation, turbine fires of the Airbus H135 and H145, as well as different fires in the helicopter cabin (inflight) can be simulated.
EN: Real fire behaviour
Proprietary algorithmic modelling provides real fire behaviour in a safe virtual environment. The selection of the extinguishing agent and the correct application of the extinguishing device dynamically influence the extinguishing success.
EN: Live feedback
Real-time data collection, analysis and feedback on training results enable high learning success.
DE: Vorbereitet sein
Der Escape Trainer hilft beim Üben der Notfallverfahren zum sicheren Verlassen eines Hubschraubers bei Unfällen und in gefährlichen Situationen.
DE: Verfahren trainieren
Das Gerät bietet die Möglichkeit, sowohl die Tür des Piloten als auch das Fenster der hinteren Kabine im Notfall zu öffnen.
EN: Be prepared
The escape trainer helps practice the emergency procedures to exit a helicopter safely in accidents and dangerous situations.
EN: Procedure training
The device provides the capability for the emergency drop of the pilot´s door as well as the window of the rear cabin.
Patient safety and quality of care under complex circumstances is our mission.
Significantly beneficial to improve and consolidate your professional flight skills.
Full Flight Simulator Training is operated by HMotion since March 2024.
Providing HEMS or specialized emergency medical care needs a high reliability organization and many competences.
ADAC HEMS Academy GmbH
Richthofenstraße 142
53757 Sankt Augustin, Germany
+49 2241-93219-0